

Friday, April 23, 2010

Disney Nature: Oceans

SAY HELLO TO OUR LITTLE FRINDS! My Rating: ***1/2 - Good

Narrated by Pierce Brosnan, "Oceans" is a visually stunning documentary of a world existing inside of a liquid covering 3/4 of planet Earth. You see it not as some boring documentary (discovery channel *cough cough*)where you watch animals go through everyday life. But it seems as if it is a collection of stories. Stories that have characters, events, and one big blue setting. The main factor contributing to this feeling is the beautiful soundtrack that fits the mood of whatever situation the creature that is being talked about is in. If the creature was just born, it's all nice and peaceful music. But once you see a hungry shark looking for some fish, "Jaws" comes back to you. Either the camera men got the spectacular footage of this film by coincidence or they just knew where to look because the cinematography is so amazing that it seems like you are watching a film entirely made of special affects but then you stare in awe as you remind yourself that it's all REAL. One thing about the film is that, if you have seen enough movies, the music and events and many other things remind you of other films. When I saw a whale swimming half above the water with its fins popping in and out of the surface of the water, it reminded me of the ending sequence to "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" where the "Kraken" comes and devours the ship with its tentacles flailing everywhere. Also, there was music that I either recognized or sounded similar to other movies to me. I think there was one part where the music sounded almost "congruent" so to speak(yes I know that is a math term) as the music of a battle sequence in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". With all of this great music, the movie uses it to give you the full feel of the ocean. Both it's danger and it's beauty. However, it IS a documentary and I am not a real documentary person but I must give the film credit. But, it still may be just a wee bit boring at some points, and you hear the same voice over and over and over and over throughout the whole film but that wasn't a HUGE problem. Unfortunately, I did have a big yawn towards the end but that also was not a HUGE problem. So overall, there was great narration almost as if Morgan Freeman was narrating it, spectacular visuals, great music, and, simply put, the best documentary I have ever seen(although I must admit I have not seen very many documentaries). It doesn't give you the satisfaction of any regular yet excellent movie but maybe that's because it's not really a movie, it's more like an experience that takes you through a world that exists right under you boat and shows the real complexity and beauty of the creatures who's homes we are destroying with our trash. And you can't help but wonder how the existence of all these complex creatures was possible. But, there is no doubt that it's a beautiful film that has a message that's both green And blue.

Starring: Pierce Brosnan Directors: Jaques Perrin
(many of the animals of the ocean) Lancelot Perrin

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