

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Fantastic Mr. Fox


I have never seen a movie with stop-motion animation before so this film was a first for me. The film producers obviously knew that stop-motion was not a very fun way to watch a film and they were smart and hired the biggest actors for this movie like George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, and Owen Wilson as well as developing an interesting and clever script. However, the film still had it's flaws. The plot is about a fox (George Clooney) who would steal chickens and other goods from three different farmers for a living. But one day, his girlfriend(Meryl Streep) gets pregnant and she makes him promise to find some other line of work. So, twelve "Fox Years" later, the film shows you that Mr. Fox is a newspaper column writer and he is married to Mrs. Fox and they have a son named "Ash". But, Mr. Fox is tired of this boring work and finally decides to forgo his promise and try and steal three main goods from three big, ugly, and super-rich farmers. Soon the farmers get mad and retaliate and it's just one big adventure. The problem with the plot is that (yes I know it's a kid's film based on a kid's book and that these types of movies are just like that sometimes) sometimes it feels like there is no point to the story. The film also does feel a little tiresome but it manages to keep your interest. Acting is absolutely great in this movie and there is no issue on that but the movie still just seems very weird a lot of the time and you just can't really connect with the movie. At the end you feel that it just wasn't all that great. The dialogue is however well written and clever but that just didn't bring it all of the way. But I still have to give props to the producers for trying to use a style of movie making that isn't often used outside of the "Wallace & Gromit" series. Or, as "Star Trek" would say, they are "boldly going where no movie has gone before". And it was a good attempt and maybe in the future there will be triumphant stop-motion movies but for now, we will just say this one wasn't all that fantastic.

Starring: George Clooney Director: Wes Anderson
Meryl Streep
Jason Schwartzman
Bill Murray
Owen Wilson
Willam Defoe

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