

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Did You Hear About the Morgans?


I guess Marc Lawrence has heard about the Morgans because he has brought something that was actually somewhat funny to the table. But that seems kind of easy when you have a funny story. The plot is about a couple, Meryl(Parker) and Paul(Grant) Morgan, who's marriage is quickly dissolving. One day, they are taking a walk after dinner and witness a murder. What does a criminal do to witnesses? He takes them out right? So they become "endangered" so to speak and the criminal starts hunting them. The officials of the big Apple decide that the only way the couple will survive is if they enter the witness relocation program. The program takes people who witness crimes to remote places and shuts off all contact from the outside world and hides them until they catch the criminal. So, they send the couple to Wyoming. Both of them own successful companies and are used to the city. Now, they are in a very rural place and must cope with no cell phone, no computer, nothin'. Just laying low and staying in the same house may actually be the hardest things they've done all year! So with this goofy plot line, Lawrence has fun as he is able to go in depth to the relationship of the two and clearly show you how their marriage is holding and how the challenges of Wyoming change them. He "gives off the right vibe" simply put. They end up staying with Meryl's distant cousin which is pretty convenient. As the tiny, one story house actually contains many surprises for the Morgans. Whether it's on the wall, under the bed, in the couch, in the refrigerator, or even outside, it will keep you laughing. But, sometimes you get the feeling that it's a little...draggy per say. Like the adventure seems unending even though it's within a running time of 103 minutes. I also think it could have been a little bit more serious. The plot line is very good, but goofy. I mean, the writers had a chance for some really deep stuff here that could have made it better. I understand that it's a comedy and it works kind of well that way. But, one thing I know is that all great comedies have a hint of seriousness in them. The acting is good. The film was cast perfectly and they all did well. There isn't much bad I can say about it. So, I would say that there really isn't a targeted audience. Although there is a PG-13 rating, I would say anyone 10 or older would really be able to enjoy it. Of course a toddler would watch it but I don't think they would really care. But I think their goal was to hit everybody. So overall, funny plot, good acting, funny scenes, but the rest seems to plain. It's not that it's not enjoyable, but when someone isn't having marriage problems, going to a rode, or getting sprayed in the eyes with "Bear Away Spray", it seems a little like dead space. That's the main thing that kind of killed it. It's all plain. They need that extra something that makes the movie special. Movies aren't just people acting out stories for your entertainment. That's not enough. So some people tried computers, not enough. What makes a movie special isn't something that you can make with effects or with your hands. But your creation and imagination and wisdom is what propels these stories. You can't just bring any old good movie just like the other thousands of them. You don't even bring a GOOD movie. But it's when you bring something MORE that makes it special. That one extra special ingredient only you know about. So my question for the film is, "did you hear about the special ingredient?".
Starring: Hugh Grant Director: Marc Lawrence
Sarah Jessica Parker

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