

Saturday, March 13, 2010



This movie has earned the rightful title of "The Mother of all Disaster Flicks". The Mayans predicted the end of the world to be on December 21,2012 and that's where this movie takes off. Of course, this would have made a cool documentary but director Roland Emmerich decided to single in on one family and their experiences during the end of the world. In real life, scientists have found no threats to the Earth in you can breathe while reading this. The movie does have some funny parts at the most appropriate times to have funny parts and the movie manages to keep your attention 95% of the time. The best thing in this movie is it's disaster sequences. Some of the most amazing special effects I've ever seen were in this movie and you can't help but stare in awe at the Earth being deformed by earthquakes,tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. The parts where it doesn't show these things are good too with occasional really sad parts but sometimes just doesn't have very interesting dialogue. The story can sometimes be a little boring but acting for the most part is not an issue in this movie and John Cusack(above) did a great job. Overall the movie is in fact very flawed but still may or may not be classified as "good" and has a very creative ending.

Starring: John Cusack Director: Roland Emmerich
Amanda Peet
Oliver Patt
Danny Glover

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