

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Director Shane Ackner has made a huge disappointment with his new film "9". The plot is that after humans invent machines meant to fight with the humans, they turn against us and the entire planet is wiped out. So, a scientist makes 9 4-inch tall figurines made of cloth and somehow gives them all the spark of life and they are supposed to defeat the machines. The plot is weird but that's nothing i can't handle. The thing smashing this to pieces is the fact it is a little Gothic and falls apart where most movies triumph-the story and acting and well, basically the parts where no one is fighting robots. The dialogue is little weird and pointless and the characters each have their own personality but some of those personalities provide nothing to the story and some provide a lot which can leave you confused at times. There are only two things i would give this movie decent credit for- the unique idea for the plot which is in fact unique and original but just wasn't done right and the visually stunning battle scenes that don't fail to entertain you at all which is where most action movies fall apart. Overall, the movie does not deliver on what you would hope to find in a movie and ends with 90% bitter and 10% nice ending which will leave you saying "WHAT?! that's weird!". But hey,(no offense-this is probably just his style) anything produced by Tim Burton is almost guaranteed to be a little weird.
Starring: Eligah Wood Director: Shane Ackner
Jennifer Conelley
Martin Landau
John C. Reily
Crispin Glover
Christopher Plummer

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