

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Old Dogs


Disney's "Old Dogs" is a complete disappointment from what i was expecting from the previews. Sometimes there are some hilarious scenes but it feels as if it passes by too fast and jumps right into it without telling you much. Some of the "funny" ideas and scenes that made it to the movie really shouldn't have. The plot is about 2 brothers who have been life-long friends and business partners when one of them (Robin Williams) finds out his old girlfriend has kids. Now he must take on the responsibility of babysitting them for one week while she is in jail for infiltrating some factory polluting a lake with the help of his brother( John Travolta) while at the same time preparing for the biggest moment in their careers. The movie itself is definitely a wild ride that takes you through a weird maze of Robin Williams and John Travolta trying to babysit. Most of the movie is stupid with a few big laughs but the rest just isn't the way it should. If you can get enough joy from someone singing for dear life to a gorilla, flying a jet pack and then falling, getting hit hard with a golf ball, or penguins jumping two movie stars then this would be good for you. If not, i don't recommend you watch this because aside from the LOL's, this will ultimately teach you that old dogs can't learn new tricks.

Starring: Robin Williams Director: Walt Becker
John Travolta
Seth Green
Kelly Preston
Matt Dillon

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